BritAS piston screen changer presentation at Fakuma 2021


BritAS piston screen changer presentation at Fakuma 2021 

Ideal for slightly contaminated industrial & production waste
The CMF series includes four lines – discontinuous and continuous versions, which meet all customer requirements. The BritAS piston screen changers are designed for the recycling of plastic waste, which is less contaminated.

„We are very happy to present our innovative piston screen changer during the Fakuma. The series includes a continuous version CMF and a discontinuous version DMF – the BritAS piston screen changers are ideal for the recycling of plastic waste with less contamination “, explain Thomas Lehner CSO BritAS Recycling-Anlagen and Heiko Henss, COO BritAS Recycling-Anlagen.

Series with 4 filter types for all requirements
„Mainly, piston screen changers are used in the field of post-industrial, post-production as well as for virgin material. Depending on the required throughputs and different operating modes, customers choose between the discontinuous – mainly with one piston – resp. the continuous – with two pistons – version “, says Lehner.

Basic versions are the CMF as automatic, continuous piston screen changer as well as the DMF as discontinuous piston screen changer in angular and round design. „The DMF-rd has a round housing, which is heated with ceramic heating bands. This more cost-effective filter version is mainly used as pre-filter for coarse contaminations, as pump protection or in case of reduced space (co-extrusion) “, explains Henss.

Due to its angular housing, the DMF-sq is suitable for higher temperatures up to 350° C and higher pressures up to 500 bar and is heated with heating cartridges. Both types can be used for polyolefins, hotmelt adhesives and many technical plastics.

Highlight piston screen changer with backflush function
The CMF-BF, the piston screen changer with backflush function is in a position to clean the filters automatically.

In a front-end module, there are two backflush pistons, which allow an automatic backflush procedure. In case of a necessary filter change, first, one of the two backflush pistons is moved into the backflush position. This will interrupt the melt flow of the corresponding filter. A small melt flow of the material, which has already been cleaned will be separated and guided backwards through the filter to be cleaned and guided outwards. Then, this procedure is automatically repeated for the second filter.

THE melt filter in double-cavity technology for contaminated PET material
High PET re-granulate quality at low operating costs and that fully automatic – this characterizes the BritAS ABMF product series – automatic belt melt filters of the German BritAS GmbH. Now, this series has been expanded by the ABMF PET-C, which will officially be introduced at the Fakuma.

„We are very happy that we are able to officially introduce our latest innovation on the market – the continuous melt filter for PET waste. The ABMF PET-C relies on the established BritAS basic technology, is equipped with special features and technically optimized. The filter is especially suitable for underwater as well as strand pelletizing “, explain Thomas Lehner CSO BritAS Recycling-Anlagen and Heiko Henss, COO BritAS Recycling-Anlagen.

Fully convincing – lowest melt loss & filter fineness up to 20 µm
In order to filter contaminations out of plastic waste effectively and efficiently, in case of BritAS filters, during each filter change, a clean screen mesh is inserted automatically and without production stop. Up to three screen belts can simultaneously be inserted, which allows an exact adjustment of different filter fineness. „This keeps the quality of the re-granulate constantly high and the contamination is removed out of the machine with a very low melt loss. “

With a filter fineness of up to 20 µm and lowest melt loss of <1,0 %, the BritAS ABMF PET-C fully convinces.

Perfect solution – for heavily contaminated post-consumer PET plastic waste & double-cavity mode
The BritAS innovation convinces since it is suitable for post-consumer plastic waste, focused on PET as well as PET-similar materials, low-viscous plastic as for example PA, but also the practical operation is an advantage. „Especially for heavy contaminations, the ABMF PET-C is the perfect solution “, say Lehner and Henss.

In combination, the filter mechanics and control offer a fully-automatic, practical operation in double-cavity mode, which does not require any temporary storage of the melt. During the screen movement, the extruder has not be stopped and ensures process safety.

Powerful machine in every respect – high throughput rates, high output, low operating costs
Besides the automatic operation of the double-cavity filter with high plastic throughput, the output is ensured by the use of screen belts with dutch weave mesh. Moreover, the operating costs of the melt filter are reduced due to the optimized interior of the ABMF PET-C as well as the re-designed heating. For our customers, the ABMF PET-C is available with a filter surface of 1.140 cm2 up to 3.200 m2 and a maximum output of 1.030 kg/h up to 4.800 kg/h.

The new filter perfectly complements the existing BritAS ABMF and BritAS CMF bolt screen changers.